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TESOL优秀毕业学员培训感悟-BellaDuring these courses for 4 days. I do learn much more things that exceeded my expectations. Not onl...
TESOL优秀毕业学员培训感悟-EggieWith the continuous development of the society, people pay more attention to the exploration of more scientific and reasonable educational methods.In the process of learning th...
        How to Teach English for Children- UlaTime flies. I finish my one week TESOL training for Children Program.From...
TESOL优秀毕业学员培训感悟-HelenI have learned a lot from TESOL program. The first, I know TESOL is the Teaching English to speaker...
TESOL优秀毕业学员培训感悟-VivianVariable teaching tools are necessary for children to learn a second language. The children know f...
The tesol in china course was very interesting and I enjoyed my tesol course with them. All the material was very  useful
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一起看看经过培训后的学员 有什么提升?
有学员这样和我们说,拥有国际英语教师资格证让她腰板更直,更有自信,以前作为一名普通英语老师,经常因为评职称要写多篇论文,苦不堪言。持有TESOL证书后,她换了一份工作,摇身一变,成了一名国际英语老师,工作顺利,心情舒畅,原来的同事也很羡慕她,纷纷前来讨教。她毫不犹豫地向同事们推荐了泰孚国际教育。现如今TESOL证书是一种身份与学识的象征,持有TESOL证书在国外读TESOL专业可抵挡学分。 拥有TESOL证书也是面对外企招聘的重要砝码,70%在跨国英语教育机构要英语教师必须通过TESOL考试。90%的国内前一百强英语教育机构要求英语教学人员持有TESOL证书。
I really enjoyed my experience with the TESOL in China 120 hour course! I found it to be extremely user-friendly, straightforward, and clear. It was challenging, and there was a lot of reading to be done, but the tests directly reflected the lessons, there were no tricks. I also read in some reviews prior to taking this course, that it was slightly repetitive. There was some repitition, but I actually found it helpful because I was able to reflect and test my true knowledge on the subject. Also the staff are amazing. Any emails or concerns of mine were dealt with very quickly, which I’m impressed by. Great course.
I work as a freelance English teacher. I love my job very much. The TESOL certification is now required for those teaching ESL classes in China. This certification was useful to me in the information it provided, and allowed me to continue the work I love.
When I studied in the U.K, my teacher told me that you could possibly be a good teacher. So I visited this TESOL school after I came back to Beijing. I felt comfortable at the first meet with Alex. Afterward I started my “Advanced” training course. Five days later, I totally found that’s an amazing system for all the teachers. Unhesitatingly, I decided to learn more. I’m a TESOL EXPERT teacher now, I teach my students in my own way   that I learned from Alex, all the students like my teaching methods.TESOL apparently opens a new world for me.
I am glad to attend this TESOL course. I learned an international standard way of teaching. Our English teacher Alex is very profession. At the same time, this learning place makes me feel comfortable.He provided many attentive services during our study. And i also met students from all over the place.
I feel so happy when i will come here. It's my pleasure to be here . This class have learned a lot of teaching skills. Especial the environment is pretty good. Both of the teacher awesome . I wish that you will develop the company for a long time.
I'm glad to learn here. I have learnt a lot of teaching methods here. I think i should learn more to improve my teaching skills. To be a good teacher, i need to make my class interesting and be patient. I will apply what i learned to my future teaching.
Du Jiang
Du Jiang

I'm glad to learn here. I have learnt a lot of teaching methods here. I think i should learn more to improve my teaching skills. To be a good teacher, i need to make my class interesting and be patient. I will apply what i learned to my future teaching.
Xing Chenxi
Xing Chenxi
   I have learnt a lot of teaching methods here. I learned an international standard way of teaching. Our English teacher Alex is very profession. To be a good teacher, i need to make my class interesting and be patient. I will apply what i learned to my future teaching.
Judy Gan
Judy Gan
When I studied in the U.K, my teacher told me that you could possibly be a good teacher. So I visited this TESOL school after I came back to Beijing. I felt comfortable at the first meet with Alex. Afterward I started my “Advanced” training course. Five days later, I totally found that’s an amazing system for all the teachers. Unhesitatingly, I decided to learn more. I’m a TESOL EXPERT teacher now, I teach my students in my own way   that I learned from Alex, all the students like my teaching methods.TESOL apparently opens a new world for me.
Wang Yan
Wang Yan
I've learned a lot from this tesol children program, and it's been useful for me. I've found it's so interesting as a
Cheng Chen
Cheng Chen
I feel so happy when i will come here. It's my pleasure to be here . This class have learned a lot of teaching skills. Especial the environment is pretty good. Both of the teacher awesome . I wish that you will develop the company for a long time.
Chang Shulian
Chang Shulian

It's my pleasure to take part in this training. I've learned so much here. Alex is professional and humorous. Through this training, i think there are so many things that i need to learn. I'll keep learning teaching skill.
I found the TESOL course material extremely well written and extremely clear to follow. I found the explanations and guidance notes highly beneficial and clear to follow and find the material a great reference tool. I often refer back to the course material to guide me in my day-to-day teaching activities. My course tutor was fantastic and put an incredible amount of thought into his revisions and guidance notes. I feel privileged to have had a tutor with such a great wealth of experience and who gave me such positive feedback along with helpful suggestions in making improvements to any weak areas of my assignments.
Xing Chenxi
Xing Chenxi
   I have learnt a lot of teaching methods here. I learned an international standard way of teaching. Our English teacher Alex is very profession. To be a good teacher, i need to make my class interesting and be patient. I will apply what i learned to my future teaching.
It is an adventure to teach in another country and culture. We have met many people and made some wonderful friends. We have learned about China in a way that you couldn’t without actually living there. We have seen a lot of the country and we have been able to meet and teach many beautiful children. And
Duan Haoyu
Duan Haoyu

Amazing lesson for anyone that want to be a tesol teacher or just be interested in teaching knowledge and skills. Also you can make a good friends here. In my idea, it's a vocation more than lesson. You will have a presious memory here definately!
Liu Guanqi
Liu Guanqi

I am glad to attend this TESOL course. I learned an international standard way of teaching. Our English teacher Alex is very profession. At the same time, this learning place makes me feel comfortable.He provided many attentive services during our study. And i also met students from all over the place.
Ren Yanxia
Ren Yanxia
I've learned a lot from this tesol children program, and it's been useful for me. I've found it's so interesting as a good English teacher. And all teacher and staffs here is super nice. I've stayed a warm week.

TESOL课程线上 培训


Chen Xiaochun
Alex’s energy and presentation style was one of the best I’ve ever experienced! Every single instructional strategy was explained and tailored to multiple subjects. I appreciate the creativity behind all of TESOL in China's techniques and the messages behind each of them. I am excited to turnkey this workshop to my colleagues. This will definitely add to my pocket of resources in my role as a literacy coach. This was a fantastic workshop led by a phenomenal instructor!!
Sreynich Chan
When I was searching for a TESOL program, quality and cost were both important factors for me. I had already taught abroad for many years, so I figured I just needed the certification. TESOL in China had the most reasonable tuition of the providers on my shortlist, and after inquiring to several educational institutions about the Tesol China program (whether they had heard of it, the validity of the program, etc.) I decided to enrol with Tesol in China. The program surpassed my expectations. I’m so happy i chose Tesol in China. I learned quite a bit, even after ten years of teaching, and I highly recommend the program.
Edith Watt
This was a very smooth and coherent program. My tutor was very informative and her feedback on my assignments was very constructive. The lessons were very well structured and organized, which made it quite easy to follow the chapters. Although some of the educational videos could be more engaging, the content was relevant and useful. I tried to made most of this learning experience, and hope it can help me to achieve my career goals in future. I recommend taking this course to those people who are passionate about teaching with or without prior teaching experience.
Hout Song
I recently completed my 120 hour TESOL Diploma. I could not be more satisfied! The course was comprehensive and provided in-depth information on creating lesson plans and teaching grammar, vocabulary, speaking, and pronunciation. My tutors were extremely helpful in guiding me in the right direction by providing ample support which allowed me to become more confident in making lesson plans and grow in areas I was challenged. Lastly, TESOL's job placement assistance is another plus, as they provided me with a lot of information and helped me find a job that I am excited to start in September!
Anna Di Ruggiero
It was a great investment. It adequately prepared me to teach English as a second language. I would suggest this course for teachers who want to teach English abroad,
Leon Cloete
I don't have anything significant to share. "The course was self-paced. It was completed online. There wasn't any interaction with anyone as I worked my way through the lessons.
Craig Darryn Hawkins
This TESOL course was my first introduction to teaching methodology. As such, it was difficult at first for me to understand the role of the teacher, the role of the student, and how to maximize course effectiveness to achieve results in an ESL classroom. However, the 120-hour TESOL course includes plenty of review, and any additional course you may add to it provides a thorough synopsis of the main points of the TESOL course.
Xing Chenxi
The program has total of 20 units. At the end of each unit, the student is given a test and writes up to 500 words reflection of lesson learned. I appreciate the scenarios and possible problems that a student might encounter once he/she begins to teach. The hardest part of the training, but the most rewarding, is the essay/reflection writing. Writing my personal views about each unit helped me internalise all the lessons learned. The most enjoyable part of the training is the dramatization of the correct and wrong approach of teaching.
Sam Smith
It is a very flexible program allowing for students to go at their own pace. My coach gave good feedback to assignments. The possible positions available upon completion seems very good, however I already had a job so didn't need to take advantage of the benefit
Hao Jiabin
I enjoyed the program and learned a lot from it. It was user friendly and I like that each unit built off of the previous one. The website provides resources for job searching and resume building.
Cao Yanan
I really liked the fact that the program was self-paced, so I was able to work while completing it. I learned how to better manage my time and pacing on lessons. I learned what NOT to say to ESL students.
San Yimei
I enjoyed doing it online and at my own pace. They were very helpful if I did have any questions. With the final lesson plan in order to complete the certification, they help give you advice on how to pass and give you more than one chance. It was a great program.
在TESOL in China报考,我们的六大优势
——————       TESOL in China       ——————
American TESOL Institute,BJ China.
Room 605-606 Haige intl building, Xuanwumen,Beijing China
Copyright©2020 Zhengfu&Taifu Education Co.,Ltd.
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联系邮箱:info@tesolinchina.com 联系电话:010-63267701;010-61616196 联系地址:北京市西城区宣武门外大街海格国际大厦B605-606
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