Dear Friends!
The TESOL in China is playing a pivotal role in providing a much-needed education to steer China forward in the global academic voyage. The purpose of education is the advancement and dissemination of knowledge, to spur critical and intellectual deliberations, enable future generations to have aspirations and empower them to compete globally.
Our mission is to create a learning community where students can fulfill their personal potential by participating in quality learning experiences, prepare for a lifetime of challenges and opportunities, and develop a personal Vision of a preferred future.
The TESOL in China is playing the leading role in elevating the educational standards into the modern 21st century. Our education network is rapidly expanding, and in a short span of time we have doubled the number of our branches. We have developed high quality training programs that enable our graduates to respond to the teaching challenge.
Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life’s greatest adventure. It’s an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned.
My special thanks to all of you. Your support is greatly appreciated. I would like to express my gratitude. Thank you.
Founder of Taifu Education
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
TESOL Expert & Examiner
美国TESOL(American TESOL Institute,简称ATI)经美国路易斯安纳州政府批准成立,总部设在佛罗里达州坦帕市,在全球范围内设有十个分部机构。美国TESOL是专业从事TESOL认证颁发的非营利性组织,机构成立的宗旨是以先进的教育教学理念面向世界,培训专业化、标准化、国际化的对外英语教师并推荐到世界各地任教。
获得美国教育委员会(American Council on Education)资质许可,
获得国际认证组织(International Accreditation Organization)资质许可。
The TESOL online selfstudy program requires a payment of the official exam fee, which is 2500 yuan. Study materials and instructional videos are provided by the headquarters. Participants are expected to independently complete the course and take online exams. There is no tutor training or guidance offered during the learning process, making it suitable for teachers with a solid foundation in English and several years of teaching experience.
The TESOL online recorded lectures come with targeted explanatory videos. You can watch these videos online anytime, adjust the pace for repeated learning, and take notes. Plus, you get one-on-one Q&A sessions with a foreign tutor available around the clock to answer your questions. It's a great fit for beginners and teachers looking to deepen their learning and boost their skills.
The TESOL offline classroom course in Beijing runs for five days of intensive on-site teaching. Experienced foreign instructors deliver interactive lectures, creating an engaging classroom atmosphere. Participants have the opportunity to exchange and learn from English teachers worldwide. Real-time feedback is provided during and after classes, offering a departure from monotonous self-guided learning without guidance.